Australia Leads in Life Expectancy Among English-Speaking Nations, U.S. Lags Behind Due to Health Challenges

August 15, 2024
Australia Leads in Life Expectancy Among English-Speaking Nations, U.S. Lags Behind Due to Health Challenges
  • Australia has consistently maintained the highest life expectancy among English-speaking countries, outliving peers in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, and the UK by four to five years.

  • This advantage is attributed to successful public health policies and gun law reforms that have significantly reduced mortality rates from preventable causes.

  • A recent study published in BMJ Open, conducted by researchers from the University of Southern California and Pennsylvania State University, highlights Australia's top ranking in life expectancy among Anglophone nations.

  • In contrast, the U.S. faces high rates of drug and alcohol-related deaths, cardiovascular diseases, and unhealthy lifestyle choices, contributing to its lower life expectancy.

  • The study suggests that the U.S. could enhance its life expectancy by adopting similar health policies and reducing barriers to treatment for drug dependence.

  • Geographical inequalities in life expectancy are pronounced in the U.S., with states like California and Hawaii reporting higher rates compared to the Southeastern states.

  • As of 2019, American women had an average life expectancy of nearly 81.5 years, while men averaged almost 76.5 years, making them the lowest among the compared countries.

  • While Canada previously had the second highest life expectancy, recent data shows that Ireland and New Zealand have matched it, with the U.S. consistently ranking the lowest since 2001.

  • The study indicates that Australia has lower death rates from drug and alcohol misuse, screenable cancers, and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases compared to the USA and other Anglophone countries.

  • The research, led by Jessica Ho, emphasizes the need for the U.S. to invest in public health initiatives and infrastructure to improve its mortality rates.

  • To further reduce mortality rates, the study recommends investments in public transit and community health programs to promote healthier lifestyles and decrease traffic and drug-related deaths.

Summary based on 7 sources

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