Study Reveals Mental Effort Often Leads to Negative Emotions, Urges Supportive Environments

August 6, 2024
Study Reveals Mental Effort Often Leads to Negative Emotions, Urges Supportive Environments
  • Research from the American Psychological Association reveals that mental exertion is often associated with unpleasant feelings during challenging tasks.

  • A comprehensive meta-analysis of 170 studies, involving 4,670 participants from 29 countries, has established a consistent link between mental effort and negative emotions.

  • The findings, published in the Psychological Bulletin on August 5, 2024, emphasize the need for supportive environments to help manage cognitive challenges.

  • Senior author Erik Bijleveld cautions against the common assumption that individuals enjoy mental challenges, noting that most people actually dislike mental effort.

  • Despite the discomfort associated with mental challenges, individuals often engage in these tasks for the potential long-term rewards rather than enjoyment.

  • The research suggests that educators should not automatically assume that more challenging lessons will engage students effectively.

  • The value placed on effortful tasks may stem from the belief that rewarding such efforts encourages individuals to tackle more difficult challenges in the future.

  • Interestingly, the association between mental effort and unpleasant feelings was less pronounced in studies conducted in Asian countries, indicating that cultural factors may influence perceptions of mental exertion.

  • Bijleveld notes that the enjoyment derived from activities like chess may be more about the perceived benefits than a true enjoyment of the mental effort involved.

  • Despite the negative feelings associated with mentally challenging tasks, individuals voluntarily engage in them, often due to anticipated rewards.

  • The study highlights the importance for professionals, including educators and engineers, to consider the unpleasant nature of mental effort when designing tasks and tools.

  • Managers are warned that imposing high cognitive demands without adequate support can lead to employee burnout.

Summary based on 5 sources

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