Half of Dementia Cases Preventable with Lifestyle Changes, Says New Report

August 1, 2024
Half of Dementia Cases Preventable with Lifestyle Changes, Says New Report
  • A new report reveals that nearly half of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by addressing 14 identified risk factors, with approximately 45% of dementia risk being modifiable through lifestyle changes.

  • Globally, more than 10 million people develop dementia each year, highlighting the urgent need for effective prevention strategies.

  • While lifestyle factors can be managed, experts caution that age and genetics remain significant risk factors for dementia, necessitating both individual and societal action.

  • Health equity is a critical issue, as risk factors disproportionately affect socioeconomically disadvantaged populations and low- to middle-income countries.

  • The report outlines 13 recommendations for individuals and governments, including improving education access, providing hearing aids, and promoting healthy lifestyles.

  • Among the newly identified risk factors are vision loss and high cholesterol, which join 12 others recognized in previous reports, such as hypertension and social isolation.

  • Addressing hearing and vision loss is crucial, as timely treatment can help mitigate risks linked to cognitive decline.

  • Maintaining an active brain and body through regular social engagement and continuous learning is associated with slower cognitive decline and lower dementia risk.

  • Implementing prevention measures requires coordinated efforts from individuals, healthcare systems, and policymakers, which could lead to significant quality of life improvements and economic savings.

  • Dementia is caused by diseases like Alzheimer's that damage brain nerve cells, but it is not an inevitable consequence of aging.

  • The global population living with dementia is expected to nearly triple to 153 million by 2050, leading to significant health and social costs exceeding $1 trillion annually.

Summary based on 14 sources

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