April 2024 Shatters Heat Records, Climate Goals in Jeopardy

May 9, 2024
April 2024 Shatters Heat Records, Climate Goals in Jeopardy
  • April 2024 was the hottest on record globally, with temperatures 1.58 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

  • The last 12 months saw the highest global average temperature, at 1.61 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

  • Europe experienced its second hottest April, with temperatures 1.49 degrees above the recent 30-year average.

  • The weakening El Niño and record-high global sea surface temperatures are contributing factors to the extreme heat.

  • Continued increase in greenhouse gas concentrations is expected to break more global temperature records.

  • Climate change impacts in Asia include rising surface temperatures, glacier retreat, and sea level rise.

  • The 1.5 degrees Celsius global warming target from the Paris Agreement may be out of reach if current trends persist.

  • Experts warn against solely valuing forests for their carbon storage, stressing the need for holistic forest management.

Summary based on 38 sources

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