Harvard Study: Removing Race from Lung Tests Reveals Inequities in Disease Severity Classification

May 20, 2024
Harvard Study: Removing Race from Lung Tests Reveals Inequities in Disease Severity Classification
  • A Harvard Medical School study shows that removing race from lung function tests changes disease severity categorization.

  • More Black individuals are classified as having advanced lung disease without race adjustments.

  • Conversely, more white and Hispanic individuals are categorized as having less severe lung conditions.

  • The findings suggest that race adjustments may have previously downplayed disease severity in Black patients.

  • Implications include changes in diagnoses, disability compensation, job eligibility, and treatment access.

  • The study estimates millions could see different disease severity classifications, impacting their healthcare and benefits.

  • The results highlight the need to abandon race-based medical testing to ensure accurate and equitable healthcare.

Summary based on 1 source

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