Bumblebees' Astonishing Underwater Survival Skills Uncovered

April 18, 2024
Bumblebees' Astonishing Underwater Survival Skills Uncovered
  • Bumblebees, specifically hibernating queen common eastern bumblebees, have been found to survive underwater for up to a week.

  • The study, published in Biology Letters and conducted by the University of Guelph, involved an accidental submersion of 143 bumblebee queens.

  • Survival rates of bees submerged for up to seven days were comparable to those that were not submerged, indicating a high resilience to flooding.

  • This research marks the first documented instance of bumblebee queens' survival during extended submersion, providing new insights into their adaptability.

  • Future research is aimed at understanding the mechanisms behind this unexpected resilience and exploring if bees can survive beyond a week underwater.

  • Scientists also plan to investigate if this trait is shared among other bee species.

  • The findings underscore the significance of wild pollinators in maintaining food security and sustaining terrestrial ecosystems.

Summary based on 9 sources

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