Blaktasia: Australia's First Aboriginal-Led Mobile Game Fights Colonialism with Stunning Native Flora and Fauna

October 21, 2024
Blaktasia: Australia's First Aboriginal-Led Mobile Game Fights Colonialism with Stunning Native Flora and Fauna
  • Blaktasia, developed by the team GUCK, marks a significant milestone as Australia's first Aboriginal-led mobile game.

  • In this game, players are tasked with saving their home from a corrupting force known as The Murk, which drains life from the land.

  • To combat The Murk, players collect native plants and seeds, engaging in a quest to reclaim the land.

  • The development of Blaktasia is deeply influenced by the personal stories and experiences of the team members, particularly resonating with Blak players.

  • The game showcases stunning visuals that highlight the beauty of native Australian flora and fauna, while also conveying an anti-colonialist message.

  • Blaktasia features a scrapbook-like aesthetic in its overworld, drawing comparisons to the game Don't Starve but with a more positive tone.

  • Players can enjoy a variety of mini-games, including guiding an anteater through tunnels to collect ants and experiencing a romantic story between two Rainbow Lorikeets.

  • The game was showcased for the first time at Melbourne International Games Week in October 2024, generating excitement among attendees.

  • GUCK has been actively advocating for better representation and voices of First Nations people within the gaming industry.

  • Blaktasia will be free to play upon its release, with the development team planning to disband after providing initial support.

Summary based on 1 source

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