Rubedo's Breakthrough in Longevity Medicine: Pioneering Senolytics in Clinical Trials
January 24, 2025
In 2024, Rubedo successfully raised $46 million in funding and established a European headquarters in Milan, focusing on clinical trials for skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.
Additionally, Rubedo has partnered with Beiersdorf to create anti-aging skincare products that offer real rejuvenation effects, moving beyond mere marketing.
Despite facing early challenges in senolytic trials, Quarta emphasizes the importance of learning from these experiences to refine therapeutic approaches.
He advocates for a collaborative ecosystem in longevity research, believing that the success of one entity can benefit the entire field.
Quarta envisions a future where routine medical assessments include senescence markers, enabling preventative measures against age-related diseases.
Dr. Marco Quarta, the founder of Rubedo, is pioneering senolytic approaches to combat cellular senescence, making his start-up one of the first to enter clinical trials with its drug candidate.
Quarta's academic background includes a PhD in neuroscience, where he focused on aging and regenerative medicine, and he has worked under Nobel Laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini.
His previous research roles at the Veteran Medical Center of Palo Alto and Stanford Medicine contributed significantly to advancements in regenerative medicine and bioengineering.
Quarta believes that targeting senescent cells, which are linked to chronic diseases, can lead to major breakthroughs in longevity medicine.
To facilitate this, Rubedo utilizes the ALEMBIC platform, which allows for the identification and characterization of various senescent cell populations through advanced technologies.
The company has a unique strategy targeting GPX4 as a key modulator to selectively induce cell death in senescent cells while preserving healthy ones.
Rubedo's upcoming Phase 1 trial will assess the safety of their treatments, employing advanced multi-omics techniques to analyze senescent cells.
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