Syrian Refugees Deported Amid Human Rights Violations by Lebanon and Cyprus, Report Finds

September 5, 2024
Syrian Refugees Deported Amid Human Rights Violations by Lebanon and Cyprus, Report Finds
  • The report underscores the responsibility of Lebanon, Cyprus, and the European Union for their policies aimed at curbing migration flows, which have resulted in significant human rights violations.

  • The complexity of migration issues in the Mediterranean region is highlighted by the ongoing challenges faced by Lebanon, which hosts approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees amidst a severe economic crisis.

  • A recent Human Rights Watch report reveals that Syrian refugees attempting to reach Cyprus from Lebanon have been intercepted by both the Lebanese army and the Cypriot Coast Guard, leading to their deportation.

  • Human Rights Watch has called for the establishment of independent monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance with human rights standards in border control operations.

  • Lebanon has implemented strict measures against Syrian refugees, including forced returns and curfews, exacerbating tensions between the refugee population and local communities.

  • All EU member states are obligated to respect asylum laws and international law, ensuring that refugees have access to asylum procedures.

  • The actions of Lebanese and Cypriot authorities have been criticized for violating international obligations, including the UN Convention Against Torture and the principle of non-refoulement.

  • The European Commission has stated that it takes allegations of human rights violations seriously, emphasizing that national authorities are responsible for investigating and addressing such claims.

  • Survivors of these deportations have shared harrowing accounts, including one woman who was forcibly returned to Lebanon and subsequently abused by Syrian soldiers.

  • Lebanon's General Security agency reported apprehending over 1,300 individuals attempting to leave the country between early 2022 and mid-2024, claiming that deportations adhere to international standards.

  • In response to these challenges, German policymakers are discussing stricter migration policies, including proposals to return asylum seekers at borders to neighboring EU countries.

  • As Cyprus seeks to play a leadership role in Mediterranean migration management, it faces ongoing scrutiny regarding its treatment of refugees and compliance with human rights standards.

Summary based on 13 sources

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