Spanish PM Sánchez Launches Diplomatic Tour to Address Canary Islands Migrant Crisis

August 28, 2024
Spanish PM Sánchez Launches Diplomatic Tour to Address Canary Islands Migrant Crisis
  • Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez embarked on a diplomatic tour to Mauritania, Gambia, and Senegal on August 27, aimed at addressing the escalating migrant crisis affecting the Canary Islands.

  • Mauritania has emerged as a significant departure point for migrants, currently hosting around 200,000 refugees from the Sahel region, many of whom may attempt to reach the Canary Islands.

  • The Canary Islands route has become the primary access point for migrants to Spain, despite its perilous nature, which results in thousands of deaths annually.

  • The European Union border agency Frontex reported a staggering 161% increase in migration via the Atlantic route last year, highlighting the urgency of the situation.

  • Recently, Spain's Maritime Rescue Service rescued 173 individuals from a boat near El Hierro, including six babies and eight women, while recovering two deceased individuals.

  • The arrival of unaccompanied minors, known as 'MENA' in Spain, has become a pressing issue, overwhelming regional governments and prompting calls for better care and resources.

  • During discussions with regional leaders, Sánchez emphasized the need for long-term solutions to irregular migration, particularly concerning the care of underage migrants.

  • To tackle the root causes of migration, the Spanish government plans to invest in long-term development, connectivity, and education initiatives.

  • President Barrow of Gambia expressed gratitude for Spain's support in managing irregular migration, noting the effective cooperation provided by Spanish officers.

  • Last year, over 4,000 Gambians undertook the dangerous Atlantic journey to Europe, with tragic incidents highlighting the risks involved.

  • Sánchez underscored the importance of managing migration in a humane and orderly manner, recognizing the need for migrant workers in Spain's aging society.

  • In a show of commitment, former regional leader Ángel Victor Torres announced an additional 50 million euros in support for the Canary Islands to address the ongoing migrant crisis.

Summary based on 19 sources

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