Singapore Approves 16 Edible Insect Species, Paving Way for Sustainable Dining Revolution

July 9, 2024
Singapore Approves 16 Edible Insect Species, Paving Way for Sustainable Dining Revolution
  • Singapore has approved the importation of 16 species of insects for human consumption, including crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, mealworms, and silkworms.

  • Importers are required to provide proof that insects are farmed in regulated establishments; any species not on the approved list will need to undergo evaluation.

  • Companies selling insect-based food products must label their packaging and comply with food safety testing protocols.

  • Industry players are enthusiastic about the decision, preparing to introduce insect-infused dishes and snacks to the Singaporean market.

  • The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation supports insects as a sustainable meat alternative, citing their high protein content and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

  • The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) is actively working to educate the public and promote insect-based products, although consumer acceptance remains a potential hurdle.

Summary based on 18 sources

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