James Webb Telescope Unveils 'Boiling Ocean' Exoplanet 70 Light-Years Away

March 9, 2024
James Webb Telescope Unveils 'Boiling Ocean' Exoplanet 70 Light-Years Away
  • Astronomers have discovered the exoplanet TOI-270 d, 70 light-years away, using the James Webb Space Telescope.

  • TOI-270 d is an exoplanet twice the size of Earth, potentially featuring a surface covered by a boiling ocean.

  • The planet's atmosphere contains water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide, suggesting a water world but it may suffer from a runaway greenhouse effect.

  • It is tidally locked, leading to extreme temperature differences between its day and night sides.

  • The presence of carbon disulphide, a molecule associated with biological processes on Earth, was detected but habitability remains uncertain.

  • The discovery showcases the James Webb Space Telescope's ability to analyze exoplanetary atmospheres and hints at its potential for future atmospheric characterizations of temperate low-mass exoplanets.

Summary based on 4 sources

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