US Defense Secretary Austin Hospitalized, Expected Back Soon Amid Critical NATO Talks

February 13, 2024
US Defense Secretary Austin Hospitalized, Expected Back Soon Amid Critical NATO Talks
  • US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized for a bladder issue and is expected to return to duties after non-surgical treatment.

  • Austin's hospitalization follows prostate cancer surgery in January and related complications.

  • The Pentagon has informed the White House and Congress of his condition, reflecting increased transparency after previous communication issues.

  • Austin's doctors anticipate a swift return to work, although the link between his current bladder issue and prostate surgery is unconfirmed.

  • Austin's absence coincides with key NATO defense talks in Brussels and a significant US Senate decision on a $95.34 billion aid package.

  • Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks will perform Austin's duties in his absence, with Austin participating virtually in important meetings.

  • President Biden expresses confidence in Austin as he recovers, amidst ongoing global security challenges faced by the US.

  • Austin is set to testify before Congress on February 29 regarding the secrecy of his earlier hospitalization.

Summary based on 31 sources

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