Biden Vows Retaliation for Deadly Militia Drone Strike on US Base

February 1, 2024
Biden Vows Retaliation for Deadly Militia Drone Strike on US Base
  • President Joe Biden is preparing to retaliate against pro-Iranian militias for a drone attack on a US military base, resulting in three US military casualties.

  • The US National Security Council emphasizes that while they seek to avoid war with Iran, they hold pro-Iranian militias responsible for the recent attack.

  • Retaliatory options being considered by the US include a direct attack on Iran, cyber-attacks on Iranian-affiliated groups, or strikes on Iranian military positions in Syria and Iraq.

  • Iran denies involvement in the drone attack and cautions the US against retaliatory actions, threatening serious consequences.

  • The timing and specifics of the US response remain undetermined, with preparations underway for potential strikes in the Middle East.

  • The European Union is responding to regional tensions by planning a naval mission in the Red Sea to protect cargo ships from Houthi attacks.

  • Iran's Revolutionary Guard asserts that Iran does not seek war but is not intimidated by the prospect of conflict.

  • Iraqi militia group Kata’ib Hezbollah has ceased attacks on US forces, potentially facilitating the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.

Summary based on 20 sources

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