Biden Approves New Nuclear Strategy Amid Rising Threats from China, Russia, and North Korea

August 21, 2024
Biden Approves New Nuclear Strategy Amid Rising Threats from China, Russia, and North Korea
  • In March 2023, President Joe Biden approved a classified nuclear strategy aimed at addressing the growing nuclear threats from China, North Korea, and Russia.

  • This updated strategy marks a significant shift in U.S. deterrence focus towards China's expanding nuclear arsenal, a change not seen since the Truman administration.

  • Known as the Nuclear Employment Guidance, this strategy prepares the U.S. for potential coordinated nuclear threats from adversaries, particularly China, Russia, and North Korea.

  • Pranay Vaddi from the National Security Council emphasized the urgency of adapting to the rapid diversification of nuclear stockpiles among adversaries.

  • Joint military exercises between Russia and China, along with Russia's support for North Korean missile programs, have raised alarms about a collaborative threat.

  • The White House has reiterated its commitment to reducing nuclear risks while enhancing deterrence in light of these escalating threats.

  • The updated strategy underscores the more precarious nuclear landscape that the next U.S. president will inherit compared to three years ago.

  • Recent estimates suggest that China may have around 400 nuclear warheads, a figure previously thought to be reached only by 2030, with projections indicating a potential tripling by 2035.

  • Despite these escalating threats, there has been no significant progress in U.S. arms control talks or efforts to reduce global tensions.

  • U.S.-China informal nuclear arms talks resumed in March but were suspended in July due to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, which strained diplomatic relations.

  • The Pentagon's 2022 strategy identified China as the primary concern, with Russia following as a secondary threat, reflecting the changing dynamics of global nuclear threats.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats regarding the Ukraine conflict have prompted a reevaluation of U.S. nuclear policies, further complicating the strategic landscape.

Summary based on 17 sources

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