Inspector General Blasts William Barr's Chaotic Response to George Floyd Protests

August 1, 2024
Inspector General Blasts William Barr's Chaotic Response to George Floyd Protests
  • The Justice Department's inspector general released a report criticizing former Attorney General William Barr for his chaotic and disorganized response to the protests following George Floyd's murder in 2020.

  • The report highlighted the deployment of unmarked federal agents during the protests, raising significant concerns about accountability and the use of excessive force.

  • Barr pressured DOJ law enforcement components to deploy personnel without ensuring they were properly trained or equipped for their missions.

  • After a fire broke out at St. John's Church, Barr reportedly urged officials to deploy 'max strength' to dominate the streets on June 1, 2020.

  • The report indicates that Barr and then-President Donald Trump sent armed agents to clear peaceful protesters for a photo opportunity outside a church.

  • Barr was also involved in the decision to release a misleading DOJ statement before the 2020 election, suggesting voter fraud related to discarded mail-in ballots.

  • He informed Trump about the investigation details regarding the ballots before the press release, leading to public disclosure on a national radio show.

  • The inspector general's report criticized Barr for issuing public statements about ongoing investigations without charges, which is considered unusual within the DOJ.

  • In response to the incidents, Congress amended Title 10 to require federal law enforcement officers to visibly display their names and agency identification during operations.

  • A review concluded that Barr's actions created security risks by deploying unprepared federal law enforcement officers to the protests.

  • Barr was directly involved in tactical decisions, including the deployment of Bureau of Prisons officers during the protests, despite their lack of experience in handling civilian situations.

  • Despite the criticism, Barr defended the operation, claiming it was executed well and that officials understood their objectives without confusion.

Summary based on 7 sources

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