Republican Raises Alarm on Russian Space Weapon Amid Security Debate

February 16, 2024
Republican Raises Alarm on Russian Space Weapon Amid Security Debate
  • Republican Congressman Mike Turner raised alarms about a Russian anti-satellite weapon posing a national security threat.

  • The White House acknowledges Russia's development of the weapon but states it is not yet operational and currently not a direct threat.

  • National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby confirmed US intelligence is aware of the weapon's capabilities.

  • The US is proactively analyzing the technology, maintaining communication with allies and partners.

  • President Biden has initiated diplomatic talks with Russia to address the concerns over the space weapon.

  • National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is set to discuss the matter with House committee chairs.

  • Concerns are growing over the potential militarization of space and the weakening of arms control treaties.

Summary based on 79 sources

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