140 Women Secure Major Settlement Over Harmful Vaginal Mesh Implants, Sparking Calls for Wider Compensation

August 20, 2024
140 Women Secure Major Settlement Over Harmful Vaginal Mesh Implants, Sparking Calls for Wider Compensation
  • A group of 140 women in England has secured a significant settlement from manufacturers Johnson & Johnson, Bard, and Boston Scientific due to distressing side effects linked to vaginal mesh implants.

  • Lisa Lunt, a partner at the law firm Pogust Goodhead representing the women, highlighted the chronic pain and suffering experienced by those with transvaginal mesh implants and called for extended time limits for claims.

  • The women reported severe complications from the implants, including chronic pain, infections, and issues with bladder and bowel function, which often necessitated additional surgeries for removal.

  • The law firm criticized the manufacturers for inadequate research and testing of the implants, as well as for failing to adequately warn users about the associated risks.

  • Kath Sansom, leader of the Sling the Mesh campaign, expressed cautious optimism about the settlement, noting it addresses only a small fraction of the women affected by these implants.

  • The successful settlement has ignited calls for a government-led compensation scheme for all women impacted by mesh implants.

  • Since 2010, over 100,000 women in the UK have received transvaginal mesh implants, with many suffering from long-term health issues.

  • The use of vaginal mesh implants was widely adopted in the UK until 2018, when their use was paused and ultimately suspended due to increasing concerns over complications.

  • In a related case, hundreds of women in Scotland are set to share a £50 million compensation package for similar injuries caused by transvaginal meshes.

  • The manufacturers settled the litigation without admitting liability, with Boston Scientific stating that the claims were resolved without any acknowledgment of misconduct.

  • This case marks the first successful group claim in England regarding vaginal mesh implants, with payouts expected to total millions of pounds.

Summary based on 2 sources

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