Russia Expels Six British Diplomats Over Espionage Claims; UK Denounces Allegations as Baseless Retaliation

September 14, 2024
Russia Expels Six British Diplomats Over Espionage Claims; UK Denounces Allegations as Baseless Retaliation
  • In response, the UK has labeled these accusations as 'completely baseless' and views the expulsions as a retaliatory measure against numerous unfriendly actions taken by Russia.

  • Since the onset of the Ukraine conflict in 2022, there has been a significant increase in diplomatic expulsions, with Western countries expelling 670 Russian diplomats and Russia expelling 346 in retaliation.

  • The British Embassy in Moscow and the U.K. Foreign Office have not yet commented on the allegations surrounding the recent expulsions.

  • Tensions between Russia and the UK have escalated following the expulsion of six British diplomats, which the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) claims is a response to alleged intelligence activities.

  • Documents from the UK Foreign Office reportedly indicate that the expelled diplomats were involved in intelligence-gathering and subversive activities against Russia.

  • Former British Ambassador to Russia, Sir Laurie Bristow, suggested that Russia's expulsion of British diplomats is a tactic to deter UK sanctions on Ukraine.

  • The FSB accused the expelled diplomats of coordinating efforts to escalate the conflict against Russia, asserting they were sent by a division of the U.K.'s Foreign Office.

  • In May 2023, the UK expelled a Russian defense attaché, accusing him of being an undeclared intelligence officer, further straining diplomatic relations.

  • These diplomatic tensions coincide with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer's visit to Washington, where discussions are ongoing regarding Ukraine's request for Western-supplied weapons.

  • With potential discussions on long-range missile use by Ukraine expected at the upcoming UN General Assembly, the situation remains precarious.

  • An FSB official indicated that the UK ignored previous warnings to cease intelligence operations in Russia, which led to the decision to expel the diplomats.

  • The backdrop of these tensions includes historical incidents, such as the 2018 Skripal poisoning, which resulted in reciprocal expulsions between the UK and Russia.

Summary based on 21 sources

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