Rust Gains Traction as Secure Alternative to C/C++ in Embedded Systems, Despite Resistance

September 12, 2024
Rust Gains Traction as Secure Alternative to C/C++ in Embedded Systems, Despite Resistance
  • Rust is emerging as a memory-safe alternative to C and C++, offering comparable performance and code size, which is particularly appealing for developers.

  • In a recent blog post, Android engineers Ivan Lozano and Dominik Maier detailed a gradual approach to integrating Rust into existing firmware, emphasizing its importance for security.

  • Lars Bergstrom, director of engineering for Android Programming Languages at Google, highlighted Rust's crucial role in developing secure and reliable software across multiple platforms.

  • Traditionally, embedded operating systems have been developed in C, which poses security risks due to unsafe operations; Rust offers a safer alternative.

  • Despite its advantages, there has been resistance to Rust's adoption within the Linux kernel community, evidenced by the recent resignation of a maintainer from the Rust for Linux project.

  • Redox OS 0.9 has been released, marking a significant update to this microkernel operating system written in Rust, which focuses on safety and reliability.

  • This latest version of Redox OS incorporates applications from the COSMIC desktop environment, including essential tools like Files, Editor, and Terminal.

  • Throughout the development of a command-line to-do list application, the author faced challenges with Rust's ownership and borrowing concepts but successfully implemented basic terminal features.

  • Despite initial difficulties, the author overcame challenges related to understanding Rust's unique features through dedicated practice and thorough documentation.

  • The Android team recommends utilizing Link-Time Optimization (LTO) and other compiler settings to enhance performance and memory efficiency when using Rust.

  • To support learning Rust, the author created a GitHub repository called 'rust-practice,' which features tailored exercises and progress tracking.

  • As the Rust ecosystem continues to grow, projects like Tock OS are emphasizing security against malicious software while supporting multi-application execution.

Summary based on 15 sources

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