AMLO Pushes Controversial Judicial Reform Through Senate Amid Protests, Critics Warn of Increased Influence

September 12, 2024
AMLO Pushes Controversial Judicial Reform Through Senate Amid Protests, Critics Warn of Increased Influence
  • López Obrador's popularity remains high at 65%, as he seeks to solidify his legacy before leaving office on October 1.

  • On September 11, 2024, Mexico's Senate approved a controversial judicial overhaul proposed by outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with a final vote of 86 in favor and 41 against.

  • The vote took place after significant protests, where demonstrators attempted to disrupt the Senate session, leading to lawmakers relocating to continue the proceedings.

  • The protests highlighted a division among lawmakers, with some condemning the violence while others blamed the ruling party for the unrest.

  • Senate President Gerardo Fernández Noroña announced a break in the session due to the protests, with plans to resume discussions later in a different location.

  • Supporters of the reform celebrated the Senate's decision with cheers and chants, despite the tumultuous atmosphere surrounding the vote.

  • Opposition lawmakers accused the ruling party of using coercive tactics to secure votes, including allegations of detaining and pressuring senators, which the Morena party denies.

  • Despite protests and legal challenges, the reform had previously passed through the lower chamber of Congress due to the ruling party's majority from the June elections.

  • To be enacted, the reform must be ratified by the legislatures of 17 out of Mexico's 32 states, where Morena is expected to have sufficient support.

  • While López Obrador aimed to leverage his parliamentary majority for the reform, his successor Claudia Sheinbaum may prefer to avoid financial market instability.

  • The outgoing president has framed the judicial reform as a matter of nationalism, comparing foreign firms to historical conquerors who exploited Mexico.

  • Senator Yunes Márquez denied any coercion regarding his vote, asserting that he acted freely, amidst accusations of an 'impunity pact' between his family and the government.

Summary based on 45 sources

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