Éric Ciotti Unveils New Party, Union des Droites, in Bold Move to Reshape French Right-Wing Politics

September 1, 2024
Éric Ciotti Unveils New Party, Union des Droites, in Bold Move to Reshape French Right-Wing Politics
  • Ciotti described the UDR as a rebirth of a 'great right-wing party,' aiming to revive the values once championed by Charles de Gaulle's original UDR from the late 20th century.

  • His relationship with Marine Le Pen and the Rassemblement National has sparked internal dissent, as many party members oppose this alliance.

  • Despite facing criticism, Ciotti maintains influence within the party, supported by prominent figures like Brice Hortefeux and François Baroin.

  • Éric Ciotti has officially launched a political transformation of the Les Républicains party, introducing a new entity called the Union des droites pour la République (UDR) during a rally in Levens, Alpes-Maritimes, attended by approximately 3,000 supporters.

  • At the event, Ciotti emphasized that the Les Républicains brand is outdated and discredited, necessitating a complete overhaul to reconnect with victory.

  • He outlined what he termed the '10 plagues of Macron's policies,' proposing bold measures such as direct democracy through regular referendums, ending birthright citizenship, and banning veils for minors in public.

  • This announcement follows Ciotti's controversial decision to break ties with the party's traditional opposition to extreme right factions, which has caused significant tension within Les Républicains.

  • Ciotti has dismissed calls for his resignation from Les Républicains, asserting that he is not dissolving the party but rather creating a new political formation.

  • The party is currently grappling with financial difficulties, complicating Ciotti's leadership role as it faces millions in debt.

  • Critics within the party predict that Ciotti's current alliances and strategies may backfire, potentially leading to further discredit.

  • In the broader political landscape, Olivier Faure, leader of the Socialist Party, is advocating for a unified leftist candidate for the upcoming presidential election, highlighting the importance of collective behavior to avoid division.

  • Further information regarding this political development is expected to be released soon, as Ciotti's plans unfold.

Summary based on 7 sources

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