Urgent Climate Warning: Sydney Faces 3.8°C Temperature Rise, Severe Heatwaves, and Sea Level Surge by 2090

August 20, 2024
Urgent Climate Warning: Sydney Faces 3.8°C Temperature Rise, Severe Heatwaves, and Sea Level Surge by 2090
  • The state of New South Wales warns that Sydney could face a temperature increase of 1.8°C by 2050, with potential doubling by 2090 if climate change is not mitigated.

  • New projections reveal that without urgent action on climate change, life in New South Wales will become increasingly uncomfortable and dangerous.

  • For the first time, the projections compare low emissions and high emissions scenarios, highlighting severe impacts under high emissions.

  • Under a high-emissions scenario, Sydney's average temperature could increase by 3.8 degrees, with an additional 20.4 hot days and a 35% decrease in average winter rainfall by 2090.

  • The new climate projections offer detailed data for decision-makers at a 4-kilometer resolution, emphasizing the importance of planning for extreme heat and its health impacts.

  • Dr. Kate Wylie emphasized that rising temperatures have increased instances of heart crises, domestic violence, and suicidal thoughts.

  • Extreme heat is already the deadliest climate-related threat in Australia, and projections show an increase in days over 35°C statewide.

  • The NSW government emphasizes the importance of reducing emissions to avoid more extreme weather events in the future.

  • Australia is currently on track to miss its net zero by 2050 target and needs to increase its renewable energy target to 87% by 2030.

  • According to a government climate report, sea levels in Sydney may rise by 56 centimeters by 2090 under the most pessimistic scenario.

  • Sydney, a postcard city of Australia, is considered vulnerable to rising sea levels caused by climate change.

  • These temperature increases pose serious challenges for coastal populations and those living near bushland.

Summary based on 3 sources

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