Florida Woman Sues Google for $5M Over Scam Crypto App, Claims Negligence on Play Store Security

August 19, 2024
Florida Woman Sues Google for $5M Over Scam Crypto App, Claims Negligence on Play Store Security
  • Maria Vaca, a Florida woman, is suing Google for $5 million after losing funds to a scam cryptocurrency app, Yobit Pro, which she downloaded from the Google Play Store.

  • Vaca invested approximately $4.6 million into the app between February and July 2023, believing she could withdraw a balance of $7 million, but was instead asked for an additional $2.5 million in 'taxes.'

  • Her lawsuit alleges that she only downloaded Yobit Pro because she trusted Google to prevent fraudulent apps on its platform.

  • Vaca emphasizes that Google failed to protect its users from fraudulent applications, highlighting a recurring issue with malware on the Play Store.

  • The lawsuit, filed in a California state court, claims negligence on Google's part for allowing the dangerous app to remain available.

  • It also claims that Google took three months to remove the scam app despite receiving a complaint from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

  • Experts suggest that the outcome of Vaca's lawsuit will hinge on proving Google's knowledge of the app's fraudulent nature and its response to such threats.

  • Vaca's attorney, Chris Vernon, points out that her case is part of a broader issue of crypto theft, underscoring the need for better app monitoring and global regulations for cryptocurrency usage.

  • The ongoing issue of fraudulent crypto apps on the Google Play Store has raised concerns about the effectiveness of Google's app vetting processes.

  • In April 2024, Google had already taken legal action against developers behind 87 fraudulent crypto apps that had affected over 100,000 users.

  • This lawsuit is not an isolated incident, as there have been previous cases where fraudsters exploited the Google Play Store, with Google itself suing several fraudulent crypto apps in April 2024.

  • This case has the potential to set a legal precedent regarding the protection of digital assets on major platforms and the obligations of technology companies.

Summary based on 2 sources

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