Sheffield Mom Dies During Turkish Cosmetic Surgery: Family Demands Answers Amid Rising Death Toll

August 19, 2024
Sheffield Mom Dies During Turkish Cosmetic Surgery: Family Demands Answers Amid Rising Death Toll
  • Kaydell Brown, a 38-year-old mother of two from Sheffield, tragically died during a Brazilian butt lift surgery at ClinicExpert in Istanbul due to complications.

  • She entered surgery around 9:30 AM, but after a prolonged procedure lasting ten hours, she was pronounced dead in the recovery room, with initial findings suggesting fat may have traveled to her lungs.

  • Following her death, Kaydell's body was returned to the UK with parts of her heart missing, prompting an ongoing inquest into the circumstances surrounding her death.

  • An inquest has been opened in Sheffield, with investigators looking into the potential causes of her death.

  • Leanne, Kaydell's sister who was present at the clinic, criticized the facility as a 'pop-up butcher shop' and expressed her shock at receiving only a cash refund and a flight home after the tragedy.

  • Since 2019, the UK Foreign Office has reported 28 deaths of British citizens following cosmetic surgeries in Turkey, highlighting the risks associated with such procedures.

  • In light of these incidents, the British government has urged individuals considering cosmetic procedures abroad to thoroughly research the clinics and practitioners involved.

  • Kaydell's death has raised significant awareness about the risks associated with cosmetic surgery abroad, with her family actively seeking answers and accountability.

  • Kaydell had paid £5,400 for the surgery, which included a Brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, and breast surgery, significantly less than the £15,000 cost in the UK, including flights and hotel accommodation.

  • ClinicExpert acknowledged that while they do not force patients into surgery, they agreed to perform multiple procedures at once despite the inherent risks.

  • Leanne described the clinic's aggressive marketing tactics, which included sending numerous before and after photos via WhatsApp to encourage Kaydell to proceed with multiple procedures.

  • The clinic claimed that complications are a known risk in liposuction and emphasized their low mortality rate, stating they had lost only two patients out of over 23,000 surgeries performed in 13 years.

Summary based on 2 sources

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