Stonehenge Mystery Solved: Altar Stone Originates from Scotland, Not Wales, New Research Reveals

August 15, 2024
Stonehenge Mystery Solved: Altar Stone Originates from Scotland, Not Wales, New Research Reveals
  • Recent research has upended a century-long belief regarding the origins of the Altar Stone at Stonehenge, revealing it actually comes from the Orcadian Basin in northeastern Scotland rather than nearby Wales.

  • The study, published in the journal Nature on August 14, 2024, utilized chemical analysis to trace the stone's geological composition.

  • Researchers analyzed mineral grains from the Altar Stone, confirming its match with sedimentary rocks known as Old Red Sandstone found in Scotland.

  • The findings indicate that the Altar Stone was transported over 435 miles, significantly farther than previously believed.

  • Transportation of the stone likely occurred via maritime routes, as overland transport would have been impractical given its weight and the distance involved.

  • This research supports the idea that Neolithic communities engaged in long-distance travel and had complex social structures, suggesting advanced transportation methods.

  • Co-author Professor Richard Bevins emphasized the significance of these findings, stating they overturn long-held assumptions about the stone's origins.

  • Dr. Robert Ixer from University College London described the findings as shocking, raising questions about the logistics of transporting the Altar Stone over such a long distance.

  • Geologist Nick Pearce noted that the unique geological characteristics of the stone are not found elsewhere in the UK, reinforcing the study's conclusions.

  • Anthony Clarke, the lead author of the study, expressed gratitude for the support received during the research, which has significant implications for our understanding of ancient societies.

  • Previous research had already cast doubt on the Altar Stone's Welsh origins, paving the way for this groundbreaking study.

Summary based on 36 sources

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