Germany Issues Arrest Warrant for Ukrainian Suspect in Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage

August 15, 2024
Germany Issues Arrest Warrant for Ukrainian Suspect in Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage
  • The German justice system has issued a European arrest warrant for a Ukrainian suspect involved in the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, which occurred on September 26, 2022.

  • The suspected attackers reportedly rented a yacht named 'Andromeda' in Rostock to carry out the sabotage, which resulted in multiple explosions and significant gas leaks.

  • The explosions destroyed three out of four pipelines, highlighting Germany's dependence on Russian gas amid escalating geopolitical tensions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  • The German federal prosecutor's office has not commented on the ongoing investigation, which has seen various countries involved, although Denmark and Sweden have since closed their cases.

  • Swedish and Danish authorities concluded their investigations in February 2023, leaving Germany as the only country still actively pursuing the matter.

  • The true perpetrators of the sabotage remain unknown, with investigations raising suspicions of state involvement rather than independent actors.

  • Various theories regarding the sabotage have emerged, including suggestions of involvement by a pro-Ukrainian group, although Ukraine has denied any connection.

  • Despite initial suspicions, investigations have not established a direct connection between the suspects and any Ukrainian state entities, with Ukrainian officials denying government involvement.

  • Wolodymyr Z., the primary suspect, is believed to have been residing in Poland but is now reportedly on the run, with his whereabouts unknown.

  • Polish prosecutors indicated that the absence of the suspect's name in the wanted persons database meant Polish border guards had no grounds to apprehend him.

  • Concerns have been raised that evidence left behind could have been intentionally misleading, possibly orchestrated by Russian intelligence.

  • In January 2023, German authorities raided a ship suspected of transporting explosives, suggesting that trained divers could have attached devices to the pipelines at depths of 70 to 80 meters.

Summary based on 32 sources

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