New Bill to Shield Victoria Police from Gobbo Informant Fallout Sparks Legal and Human Rights Battle

August 13, 2024
New Bill to Shield Victoria Police from Gobbo Informant Fallout Sparks Legal and Human Rights Battle
  • The Australian state government has spent $200 million addressing issues related to the controversial case of former barrister Nicola Gobbo, prompting Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes to announce a new legislative proposal aimed at curbing further financial liabilities.

  • The proposed State Civil Liability (Police Informants) Bill seeks to protect the government, Victoria Police, and individual officers from lawsuits related to the damages caused by Gobbo's actions as an informer.

  • Human rights lawyers are expected to oppose this legislation, arguing that it undermines police accountability and sets a dangerous precedent for civil rights.

  • Faruk Orman, wrongfully convicted of murder due to Gobbo's dual role as his lawyer and informer, has filed a civil case against Victoria Police for damages exceeding $10 million.

  • Many individuals wrongfully convicted due to Gobbo's informant activities are now appealing their convictions, claiming they were denied justice.

  • Estimates indicate that Gobbo's actions may have directly affected up to 125 convictions, with over 1,000 cases impacted indirectly.

  • Gobbo's role as a police informer has led to significant legal turmoil, including five inquiries and a royal commission that resulted in minimal findings.

  • Similarly, Zlate Cvetanovski's conviction for drug offenses was quashed due to Gobbo's involvement, and he has initiated a damages claim against the state.

  • The special investigator's office, created to pursue criminal cases against police officers involved with Gobbo, has been disbanded after significant expenditures and no charges were filed.

  • Symes described the Lawyer X scandal as an 'appalling' misuse of police informers and emphasized the need to limit further resource expenditures.

  • As the situation evolves, the new law is expected to face challenges in the High Court, indicating that the Gobbo saga is far from over.

  • In addition to her previous compensation of nearly $3 million, Gobbo is now suing Victoria Police for an additional $30 million.

Summary based on 2 sources

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