Victoria Police Hunt for Teen Charged in Fatal Crash After Bail Breach

July 10, 2024
Victoria Police Hunt for Teen Charged in Fatal Crash After Bail Breach
  • Victoria police are searching for a 17-year-old boy who went missing after being granted bail following a fatal crash in Burwood.

  • The teenager was charged with culpable driving causing death and was driving a stolen Jeep Cherokee at the time of the collision.

  • Despite bail conditions requiring him to stay at home, he failed to comply and his whereabouts are unknown.

  • The stolen Jeep was connected to an aggravated burglary and armed robbery prior to the crash.

  • Two 15-year-old girls have been charged with car theft related to the incident, and three other males are wanted in connection with the case.

  • Taylor's family is deeply affected, mourning the loss of the trainee doctor.

  • The incident has reignited debate about Victorian bail laws, with acting premier Ben Carroll defending the system.

  • The boy was arrested for allegedly breaching bail conditions, facing charges including culpable driving and theft of a motorcar.

  • Police believe he was one of six young people involved in the crash, with concerns about his suitability for supervision despite the magistrate deeming the prosecution case weak.

  • Additional evidence includes CCTV footage of someone wearing white sneakers, similar to those seized from the accused's home.

Summary based on 4 sources

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