New Quantum-Proof Security Model Unveiled to Shield IoT Networks from Future Cyber Threats

July 4, 2024
New Quantum-Proof Security Model Unveiled to Shield IoT Networks from Future Cyber Threats
  • The SCA-QS research project has introduced a new security model for IoT networks to counter the threat of quantum-enabled hacking.

  • Researchers have developed post-quantum secure algorithms like PQ-IDS and NR-GTRU based on lattice cryptography.

  • The shift towards post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is essential to protect data from quantum threats that could decrypt current encryption algorithms like RSA and ECC within seconds.

  • The U.S. government and NIST are already working on developing PQC algorithms to address this cybersecurity threat.

  • Organizations are urged to assess the risk, plan for migration, and establish crypto-agility to defend against quantum-enabled attacks.

  • CISOs must take proactive steps now to safeguard their organizations in the post-quantum era.

Summary based on 13 sources

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