Controversial Plan to Shoot 450,000 Barred Owls to Save Endangered Spotted Owls Sparks Ethical Debate

July 4, 2024
Controversial Plan to Shoot 450,000 Barred Owls to Save Endangered Spotted Owls Sparks Ethical Debate
  • US wildlife officials propose plan to shoot almost 450,000 barred owls over three decades in Oregon, Washington, and California.

  • The goal is to protect the endangered northern spotted owl population, which has declined by 75% due to barred owls encroaching on their territory.

  • The plan involves using trained shooters with shotguns to lure and shoot the barred owls.

  • Supporters believe reducing barred owl numbers could allow spotted owls to recover and coexist in the long term.

  • Opponents, including animal welfare activists and Washington state's public lands commissioner, raise concerns about cost, effectiveness, and ethical implications.

  • Proposal undergoing final environmental study before a decision is made under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

  • Implementation expected to begin next spring pending approval.

Summary based on 13 sources

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