Germany Faces Housing Crisis: New Apartment Builds Set to Plummet Over 40% by 2026

July 30, 2024
Germany Faces Housing Crisis: New Apartment Builds Set to Plummet Over 40% by 2026
  • The Ifo Institute in Munich has projected a significant decline in residential construction in Germany, estimating that new apartment builds could plummet to just 175,000 by 2026, a drop of over 40% from the nearly 300,000 units constructed in 2022.

  • High inflation and rising interest rates are exacerbating the construction crisis, leading to skyrocketing costs that hinder market recovery and contribute to a housing shortage.

  • The GdW housing industry association has described the current construction situation as a 'tragedy without end,' criticizing the government for its lack of effective action to address the ongoing crisis.

  • A recent survey by GdW revealed that two-thirds of its member organizations are unable or unwilling to initiate new housing projects this year due to prohibitive costs and insufficient permits.

  • The German Federal Statistical Office reported a staggering 44% decrease in building permits in May 2024 compared to the same month in 2022, indicating a severe slowdown in new housing projects.

  • The IW Cologne research institute estimates that Germany needs to construct 372,000 new apartments annually until 2025, highlighting a significant gap between demand and the projected decline in construction.

  • As construction activity declines, tenants in urban areas are likely to face a challenging housing market characterized by high costs and limited availability.

  • In response to the construction crisis, the German government plans to implement significant regulatory changes, including a streamlined approval process to facilitate new building projects.

  • One of the proposed changes is the introduction of the 'Building Type E' concept, which aims to simplify the building process while maintaining essential safety and environmental standards.

  • This downturn in housing construction is not only a German issue; similar declines in building permits are being observed across Europe, with Euroconstruct forecasting a drop in new builds across 15 Western European countries.

  • Germany's failure to meet its construction goals last year, with nearly 300,000 new apartments not built, underscores the urgency of addressing the current housing crisis.

Summary based on 7 sources

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