First Conviction Under Australia's Forced Marriage Laws: Mother Jailed After Daughter's Tragic Murder

July 30, 2024
First Conviction Under Australia's Forced Marriage Laws: Mother Jailed After Daughter's Tragic Murder
  • Sakina Muhammad Jan, 48, has been sentenced to three years in prison for forcing her daughter, Ruqia Haidari, into a marriage that tragically ended in murder.

  • Jan is the first individual in Australia to be sentenced under the country's forced marriage laws, which were introduced in 2013.

  • She was found guilty of coercing her 21-year-old daughter to marry Mohammad Ali Halimi in late 2019, despite Haidari's objections.

  • The forced marriage occurred in August 2019, and Halimi later murdered Haidari five months after the marriage.

  • Halimi is currently serving a life sentence for Haidari's murder, having acknowledged that he knew she was pressured into the marriage.

  • As a permanent resident, Jan faces potential deportation to Afghanistan, which poses significant risks for her as a Hazara woman.

  • Jan will serve 12 months in custody before being eligible for release on a recognisance order, after which she may face deportation.

  • Jan's actions were driven by a desire to restore her family's reputation following Haidari's first arranged marriage, which ended in divorce.

  • The trial revealed that Haidari had been forced into an unofficial religious marriage at 15 and wished to delay marriage to pursue her education.

  • The court heard that Haidari feared seeking help from others due to concerns about her mother's reaction to her situation.

  • Despite the severity of her actions and the consequences, Jan has shown no acceptance of responsibility or remorse for her daughter's death.

  • Judge Fran Dalziel criticized Jan for abusing her parental authority and ignoring her daughter's wishes, emphasizing that forced marriage is illegal.

Summary based on 6 sources

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Mum’s court outburst over forced marriage — Australia’s leading news site • Jul 29, 2024

Mum’s court outburst over forced marriage

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