Study Unveils Massive Diamond Layer Deep Beneath Mercury's Surface

July 22, 2024
Study Unveils Massive Diamond Layer Deep Beneath Mercury's Surface
  • A study in Nature Communications reveals Mercury may have a thick diamond layer hundreds of miles below its surface.

  • The diamond layer is estimated to be about 18 kilometers thick, formed from a crystallized carbon-rich magma ocean.

  • These diamonds are located at Mercury's core-mantle boundary.

  • Sulfur in Mercury's iron core has influenced the formation of this diamond layer.

  • This diamond layer is crucial for transferring heat between the mantle and core, contributing to Mercury's unique magnetic field.

  • The discovery provides insights into Mercury's internal structure, differentiation processes, and planetary formation.

  • The BepiColombo mission, scheduled to orbit Mercury in 2025, may provide further information on Mercury's characteristics.

  • Mining these diamonds is not feasible due to their extreme depth of almost 485 km and Mercury's harsh conditions.

Summary based on 3 sources

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