Breakthrough Male Contraceptive Gel Shows 86% Effectiveness, Enters Phase Two Trials

July 1, 2024
Breakthrough Male Contraceptive Gel Shows 86% Effectiveness, Enters Phase Two Trials
  • A new hormonal male contraceptive gel called Nestorone/Testosterone has shown promising results in reducing sperm count to levels low enough to prevent pregnancy.

  • The gel contains progestin and testosterone, which work by blocking testosterone production in the testes while maintaining a healthy sex drive.

  • Participants reported side effects including back acne, weight gain, and heightened sex drive, with minimal mood swings.

  • The gel has demonstrated 86% effectiveness in reducing sperm counts and is entering phase two clinical trials.

  • Alternative male contraceptive options being explored include a non-hormonal pill or gel injection.

  • Challenges in FDA approval and funding persist, with male contraception lacking financial support.

  • Further testing and funding are necessary before male contraception options can be widely accessible.

  • Dr. Wesley Baas emphasizes the potential benefits and safety measures of the gel.

  • Additional options like ADAM, a non-hormonal gel injection, are also being tested.

Summary based on 3 sources

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