China Detains Couple for Allegedly Spying for Britain's MI6, Escalating Tensions Further

June 4, 2024
China Detains Couple for Allegedly Spying for Britain's MI6, Escalating Tensions Further
  • China's Ministry of State Security has detained a couple, Wang and Zhou, for alleged involvement in a spying operation by Britain's MI6.

  • The Ministry claims MI6 manipulated Wang with promises of high-paying consulting jobs and specialized espionage training to gather sensitive information.

  • Wang recruited his wife, Zhou, into the operation.

  • This incident follows recent charges in the UK against individuals for aiding Hong Kong authorities in espionage activities.

  • China has tightened its espionage laws and urged the public to report any suspicious activities, increasing awareness of foreign spies.

  • China denies all accusations of espionage as 'malicious slander', while the UK's Foreign Office has not commented.

  • The investigation is ongoing, further escalating tensions between China and Britain.

Summary based on 8 sources

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