EU Cracks Down on Tech Giants: Meta Faces GDPR Violations Over AI Data Use

June 28, 2024
EU Cracks Down on Tech Giants: Meta Faces GDPR Violations Over AI Data Use
  • Tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Meta, and Adobe are facing scrutiny for their use of customer data in training AI models.

  • Meta is specifically under fire for using personal data without explicit consent, potentially violating GDPR.

  • The EU's Artificial Intelligence Act and GDPR enforcement rules could lead to fines and increased oversight for Meta, prompting policy changes.

  • The EU's stance on data privacy may impact global norms and lead to conflicts between regions, as countries prioritize digital sovereignty and localized data processing.

  • Ongoing developments in data privacy regulations and potential international agreements are expected to address these issues and safeguard user privacy in the AI and machine learning space.

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