Violence Erupts at LA Synagogue: Clashes Over Israeli Event Lead to Arrests and Injuries

June 25, 2024
Violence Erupts at LA Synagogue: Clashes Over Israeli Event Lead to Arrests and Injuries
  • Violence erupted outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles during an Israeli real estate event.

  • Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel demonstrators clashed, prompting LAPD intervention.

  • Two anti-Israel protesters were detained at gunpoint, including a toddler in a keffiyeh.

  • One person was arrested for carrying a spiked flag; physical altercations and one injury were reported.

  • President Biden condemned the violence, labeling it 'dangerous, unconscionable, antisemitic, and un-American.'

  • Mayor Bass and Councilwoman Yaroslavsky also denounced the antisemitic violence and emphasized the right to protest safely.

  • The incident raised concerns about antisemitism and violence in Los Angeles.

  • Plans for a community meeting were made to address safety concerns amidst the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Summary based on 12 sources

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