Breakthrough Male Contraceptive Gel Shows Rapid Sperm Suppression, Prepares for Phase III Trials

June 3, 2024
Breakthrough Male Contraceptive Gel Shows Rapid Sperm Suppression, Prepares for Phase III Trials
  • A groundbreaking male contraceptive gel, NES/T, containing segesterone acetate and testosterone, shows promising results in suppressing sperm production faster than previous methods.

  • In a recent phase 2b clinical trial with 222 men, most participants reached the effective sperm count threshold of 1 million or fewer sperm per milliliter of semen by week 15 of treatment.

  • Suppression of sperm production was achieved in less than 8 weeks on average.

  • Plans for a Phase III trial and commercial partnership are in progress to further evaluate the gel's safety, effectiveness, and reversibility.

  • The addition of segesterone acetate to testosterone lowers the dose needed for sperm suppression and maintains normal sexual function, potentially increasing the attractiveness of the contraceptive to potential users.

  • Despite growing interest in male birth control, securing financial support from investors is a significant obstacle in bringing these new methods to market.

  • The conversation around male contraception needs to shift to view it as an essential aspect of women's health and contraception to drive progress in this area.

Summary based on 7 sources

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