18th-Century Fruit Bottles Unearthed at Mount Vernon Highlight Enslaved Workers' Culinary Skills

June 18, 2024
18th-Century Fruit Bottles Unearthed at Mount Vernon Highlight Enslaved Workers' Culinary Skills
  • Archaeologists at George Washington's Mount Vernon estate discovered 29 bottles from the 18th century filled with well-preserved cherries and berries.

  • The fruit was likely preserved by an enslaved worker named 'Doll.'

  • The discovery was made in the mansion's cellar during a $40 million revitalization project.

  • This find highlights the culinary skills of enslaved individuals at Mount Vernon.

  • In addition to the cherries and berries, European-manufactured bottles containing cherries and pits were also unearthed.

  • Researchers are conducting DNA extraction to identify the exact species of the fruit.

  • The discovery provides valuable insights into George Washington's life at Mount Vernon and the historical significance of the site.

  • This unprecedented find sheds light on 18th-century plantation foodways and the knowledge and skills of enslaved individuals who managed food preparations.

Summary based on 5 sources

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