Concordia Researchers Develop Algae-Powered Cells, Paving the Way for Clean and Affordable Energy

June 18, 2024
Concordia Researchers Develop Algae-Powered Cells, Paving the Way for Clean and Affordable Energy
  • Researchers at Concordia University have developed micro-photosynthetic power cells (µPSC).

  • These cells harness energy from algae through photosynthesis to generate electricity for low-power devices.

  • The cells use photosynthetic microorganisms and a membrane electrode assembly with microelectrodes coated in gold and a proton exchange membrane.

  • The study explored array configurations, such as series and parallel connections, to optimize performance.

  • The technology has the potential to power entire cities with further development and AI-assisted integration technologies.

  • This eco-friendly and cost-effective power source could become a viable, affordable, and clean energy solution in the future.

Summary based on 4 sources

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