Portugal Backs Ambitious EU Nature Restoration Law to Combat Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change

June 17, 2024
Portugal Backs Ambitious EU Nature Restoration Law to Combat Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change
  • Portugal, represented by Minister Maria da Graça Carvalho, will vote in favor of the EU Nature Restoration Law at the EU Environment Ministers Council meeting in Brussels.

  • The law aims to restore 30% of habitats by 2030, 60% by 2040, and 90% by 2050, focusing on urban areas, rivers, and forests.

  • Eurelectric supports the law, recommending green criteria for energy auctions and tax incentives for biodiversity-aligned energy agreements.

  • Despite political opposition, environmental groups back the law for its benefits to biodiversity, flood prevention, and climate goals.

  • The urgency of addressing biodiversity loss and achieving climate goals is highlighted, with renaturation measures deemed crucial for sustainable food production and combating climate change.

  • The law is part of the EU's Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, essential for preserving ecosystems and securing humanity's future.

Summary based on 7 sources

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