Celebrating Black Rodeo Culture: Ivan McClellan's 'Eight Seconds' Inspires and Challenges Stereotypes

June 17, 2024
Celebrating Black Rodeo Culture: Ivan McClellan's 'Eight Seconds' Inspires and Challenges Stereotypes
  • Renowned photojournalist Ivan McClellan, based in Northeast Portland, has garnered acclaim for his stunning documentation of Black rodeo culture.

  • McClellan's project 'Eight Seconds' has been transformed into a photo book, curated by Sarah Rosen, capturing the essence of Black rodeo culture.

  • His recent exhibition at Blue Sky Gallery challenges stereotypes with classical portraiture of Black cowboys.

  • McClellan's upcoming Eight Seconds Juneteenth Rodeo in Portland will celebrate Black culture and the significance of Juneteenth.

  • The rodeo events focus on equity and offer substantial prize money, showcasing the beauty of the culture and contributing to the community.

  • McClellan's work has led to collaborations with brands and further exhibitions, highlighting his dedication to Black cowboy and cowgirl culture.

Summary based on 2 sources

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