Hungary Fined €200M by EU Court for Defying Asylum Policies, Orbán Criticizes Ruling

June 14, 2024
Hungary Fined €200M by EU Court for Defying Asylum Policies, Orbán Criticizes Ruling
  • Hungary has been fined a record 200 million euros by the European Court of Justice for systematically avoiding EU asylum policies.

  • The country's restrictive asylum laws have led to a significant decrease in asylum applications.

  • Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has consistently disregarded EU decisions on migration.

  • The court emphasized the need for Hungary to comply with EU regulations, stating that the country's actions undermine EU unity and solidarity.

  • The court's decision highlights the importance of upholding EU law and addressing migration issues collectively.

  • Hungary's resistance to new asylum rules set to be implemented in 2026 remains a point of contention.

  • The right to seek asylum or other forms of international protection is considered a fundamental human right for those facing danger or persecution in their home countries.

Summary based on 20 sources

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