Disney Drops Lawsuit Against DeSantis, Announces $17 Billion Expansion Deal for Walt Disney World Resort

June 14, 2024
Disney Drops Lawsuit Against DeSantis, Announces $17 Billion Expansion Deal for Walt Disney World Resort
  • Walt Disney Co. has agreed to drop its lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

  • Disney finalized a 15-year development deal for Walt Disney World Resort.

  • The $17 billion investment will allow Disney to expand the resort with a fifth major theme park, additional hotel rooms, and retail space.

  • Disney will donate land for infrastructure projects and prioritize Florida-based companies for construction.

  • The agreement follows a previous settlement in March that ended a legal battle over a controversial law.

  • DeSantis and Disney are now collaborating on a new comprehensive plan for the resort's development.

Summary based on 44 sources

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