Quantexa Launches Q Assist: AI Suite Promises £17M Savings and Boosted Productivity for Financial Giants

June 11, 2024
Quantexa Launches Q Assist: AI Suite Promises £17M Savings and Boosted Productivity for Financial Giants
  • Quantexa has introduced Q Assist, a generative AI technology suite designed to improve decision-making for frontline workers across various industries.

  • HSBC is an early adopter of Q Assist, anticipating significant productivity improvements within the first year of using the technology.

  • Q Assist merges Quantexa's Decision Intelligence Platform with Generative AI to enhance tasks such as analysis, investigation, and reporting.

  • Participants like HSBC and potentially BNY Mellon expect the technology to drive efficiency gains, generate revenue, and enhance overall decision-making.

  • The suite is projected to deliver substantial cost savings for financial institutions, potentially exceeding £17 million annually.

  • Q Assist includes features like an Integration Layer, Prompt Builder, and Copilot to support natural language querying, data comprehension, and task automation.

  • Currently, the technology is accessible to select customers, with broader public availability slated for early 2025.

  • Quantexa's Lighthouse Program, in collaboration with industry leaders, has influenced the product requirements for Q Assist, ensuring customer value and integrating feedback into its development roadmap.

Summary based on 2 sources

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