Bollywood Star Noor Malabika Das Found Dead at 37; AICWA Demands Thorough Investigation Amid Suicide Suspicions

June 11, 2024
Bollywood Star Noor Malabika Das Found Dead at 37; AICWA Demands Thorough Investigation Amid Suicide Suspicions
  • Bollywood actor and model Noor Malabika Das, known for her role in 'The Trial', was found dead in her Mumbai apartment on June 6 at the age of 37.

  • Police suspect suicide in Noor Malabika Das's death.

  • Noor had transitioned from being an air hostess to a successful career in films and web shows.

  • The All India Cine Workers Association (AICWA) has called for a thorough investigation into her death, expressing concerns about potential foul play or murder.

  • The incident highlights the issue of suicides in the Indian film industry, prompting calls for urgent action and scrutiny from authorities.

  • Noor's last rites were conducted with the help of a trust, as her parents were unable to travel from Assam.

  • Reports indicate that Noor had been battling depression, underscoring the need for a detailed examination of the circumstances surrounding her death.

Summary based on 3 sources

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