Security Fears Cancel Columbia Graduation Amid Nationwide Campus Protests

May 8, 2024
Security Fears Cancel Columbia Graduation Amid Nationwide Campus Protests
  • Columbia University cancels main graduation ceremony due to security concerns from pro-Palestinian protests.

  • Tensions escalate on campuses with confrontations between pro-Palestinian protesters and police, incidents of violence and harassment, particularly targeting Jewish students.

  • European students join protests, pressuring universities to divest from investments supporting Israel in the Gaza conflict.

  • Columbia University maintains support for Tel Aviv University partnership, despite unrest affecting Israeli students' decisions on where to complete their degrees.

  • California State University system holds firm on investment policies while allowing individual campuses to consider divestment.

  • Nationwide college protests demand Gaza ceasefire and divestment from Israel, leading to over 2,000 detentions.

  • Global Police Union calls for unified measures to prevent conflicts due to campus protests.

  • Protests spread to Europe, with police actions to remove encampments and confrontations at various universities.

  • Israeli strikes in Gaza result in over 34,500 Palestinian deaths, fueling global protests and campus activism.

  • Colleges move some classes online and alter campus activities amidst disruptions from ongoing protests.

Summary based on 29 sources

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