Sunak Stands Firm Amid Tory Losses as Polls Predict Labour Lead

May 7, 2024
Sunak Stands Firm Amid Tory Losses as Polls Predict Labour Lead
  • Rishi Sunak's leadership is under scrutiny as the Conservative Party faces substantial losses in the English local elections.

  • Conservative MPs show signs of pessimism about retaining power in the forthcoming general election.

  • Contrary to local election results, new data suggests Labour could emerge as the largest party in a potential hung Parliament.

  • Sunak defends the possibility of a closer general election outcome than current polls, which forecast a Labour landslide.

  • Downing Street has delayed plans for a summer general election, now aiming for a vote in late autumn.

  • Under pressure, Sunak is advised by Tory right to implement tax cuts and cap legal migration in an attempt to regain voter support.

  • Despite setbacks, the Prime Minister expresses confidence in the Conservative Party's potential to demonstrate their capabilities to the electorate.

Summary based on 10 sources

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