Qantas Settles for $120M Over Canceled Flights, CEO Resigns

May 7, 2024
Qantas Settles for $120M Over Canceled Flights, CEO Resigns
  • Qantas agrees to a settlement with the ACCC including a A$100 million civil penalty and up to A$20 million in passenger compensation.

  • The airline must inform customers of cancellations and cease selling tickets for canceled flights within a day.

  • Qantas faced allegations of selling tickets for over 8,000 flights that were never flown.

  • The company's CEO has resigned amidst the controversy.

  • Qantas commits to improving practices to regain consumer trust and has invested in new technology to avoid future issues.

  • The financial impact of the settlement will be recorded in the 2024 fiscal year-end financial statements.

  • ACCC views the settlement as a victory for consumer rights and a prompt for broader discussions on aviation competition and consumer protection.

Summary based on 19 sources

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